?Schroders on commodities in 2017 << IS the gold will be rise agian



Geoff Blanning
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Investors were certainly reminded about the value of commodities in an investment portfolio in 2016.

We at Schroders identified a year ago that a new commodity bull market was starting, based on changing supply and demand dynamics. 2017 will likely see much of the same, except the leaders in commodity-land will be different.

Some of the best performers last year - sugar, coffee and palm oil - may lag this year, while some of the laggards from last year, such as cocoa and wheat, should do very well.

One very important commodity, gold, actually did well and badly last year. It went up in the first half of the year and down in the second half, and will likely resume its bull market in full force

Geoff Blanning,Head of Emerging Market Debt and Commodities

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